ITM Egypt & Cairo
ITM Egypt & Cairo
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Video Product

ITM Egypte & Caïro - 1:1.000.000 & 1:16.500
Als er voor een land of streek helemaal geen kaart meer te vinden is om te fietsen dan hebben we gelukkig altijd nog de ITM-kaarten (International Travel Map). De schaal lijkt voor de fietser te grof, er kan echter goed mee gefietst worden. Meer wegen dan op de kaart staan zijn er meestal gewoonweg niet, zelfs de dirt-roads zijn meestal nog terug te vinden. Veel kaarten zijn inmiddels waterbestendig. Hoogte wordt aangegeven middels kleurvlakken.
Over de kaart van Egypte & Caïro
Following the so-called Arab spring of a few years ago, northern Africa experienced much turbulence. Egypt experienced the overthrow of the government, the installation of a radical religious-oriented replacement, and the installation of military governance. Tourism plummeted. Most map publishers discontinued their maps of the country. Five years later, Egypt has stabilized and tourism is growing. We feel that the time is right to re-introduce our ITMB map of Egypt. This version focuses on the portions of the country that have been re-opened for tourism, which means from the Mediterranean coastline south to the Aswan Dam. The portion further south remains closed for the moment, as is the border crossing with Sudan. We have also been forced to leave off the Great Sand Sea and the Western Desert portions for the same reason of unrest, as the border areas with Libya remain very unstable. However, we have provided a large inset map of Egypt, covering everything, in the area of desert. We have also added a listing of Egypt’s Top Attractions, which wasn’t hard to prepare, as Egypt is loaded with 5,000 years of temples, pyramids, and tombs. The other side of the sheet is a detailed map of Cairo, with an inset of the Giza Pyramid complex just to the west of Cairo, and another inset of the Cairo region showing all the known tombs west of the Nile River south to Helwan. The back cover is a schematic map of the rapid transit system of Cairo. There is a third inset, showing Alexandra and other associated urban areas along the coast. The map is printed on stone paper, which is waterproof, durable, and long-lasting. It is also biodegradable.
Legend Includes:
Roads by classification, Rivers and Lakes, National Park, Airports, Points of Interests, Mining, Highways, Main Roads, Zoos, Fishing, , and much more...
Hoofdkenmerken op een rij
Schaal | 1:1.000.000 / 1:12.500 |
Taal | Engels |
Uitgever | itm |
Jaar van uitgave | 2020 |
Artikelnummer | 427025 |
EAN / ISBN | 9781771292658 |