Eurovelo 10
Eurovelo 10: Baltic Sea Cycle Route - 9100 km
A pleasant route linking rivers, lakes and spas across Austria and Hungary.
The coastline of the Baltic Sea takes in beaches, cliffs, woodland, ports and marinas as well as thousands of islands large and small. It passes through the different cultures that have grown up along the shores . It is an attractive destination and EuroVelo 10 will give you the perfect opportunity to get better acquainted with this corner of Europe.
Five beguiling capital cities; glamorous Saint Petersburg and Hanseatic towns like Gdansk and Lübeck provide lots of cultural highlights. In between, you will have a unique opportunity to get back to nature exploring the seashore.
Meer info en GPS-track op officiële site van Eurovelo
Meest uitgebreide info over mogelijke fietsgids bij Esterbauer
De gidsen hieronder met het aantal kilometers van EV10 welke hierin voorkomt:
Ostseekusten Radweg 3: 490 km
Ostseekusten Radweg 2: 698 km
Ostseekusten Radweg 1: 454 km
Ostsee Radweg Danmark (N8) : 415 km
Berlin-Kopenhagen Radweg: 279 km
Sud-Schweden : 332 km
Eiserner Vorhang 1: 1778 km
Eiserner Vorhang 2: 1604 km
De rest van EV10 is helaas nog niet in fietsgids of-kaart verschenen. Hier rest mogelijk alleen de gps-track.