ITM Niger & Nigeria
ITM Niger & Nigeria
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ITM Nigeria & Niger - 1:1.600.000 / 1:2.000.000
Als er voor een land of streek helemaal geen kaart meer te vinden is om te fietsen dan hebben we gelukkig altijd nog de ITM-kaarten (International Travel Map). De schaal lijkt voor de fietser te grof, er kan echter goed mee gefietst worden. Meer wegen dan op de kaart staan zijn er meestal gewoonweg niet, zelfs de dirt-roads zijn meestal nog terug te vinden. Veel kaarten zijn inmiddels waterbestendig. Hoogte wordt aangegeven middels kleurvlakken.
Over de kaart van Nigeria & Niger
Two of the most interesting countries in Africa are Nigeria, the economic powerhouse of the continent, and Niger, strategically located at the intersection of the two great ideological conflicts of our time – modernism and traditionalism. This is a combination map, with two separate maps sharing the same sheet of paper at different scales. It has a double-sided cover and can be displayed in retail stores with either cover outwards Nigeria fills one side, showing major cities with a double circle and bold lettering, motorway-like roads in purple, and main roads in green or red. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country. A former British colony, the independent country has finally settled down after years of controversial rule by a series of dictators. The highlights of the country are its national parks – Yankari, Gashaka Gumti, Old Oya, and Osun Osogbo. Inset maps of Lagos, and Abuja are included. Niger is a country caught in the crosshairs of the great conflict of our times between the idea of modernism and the resurgence of a brand of militant Islam. For this reason, it is of great interest to the major powers. France has built a significant military base near Agadez and now the Americans are building a massive base immediately adjacent. The south of the country contains the most touristically significant aspects of Niger. The Grand Mosque in Niamey is the largest in the country. The international animal preserve known in Niger as W-Arly-Pendjari straddles the border with both Benin and Burkina Faso to create a unique wildlife heritage enclave. Unfortunately, the Hoggar route across the Sahara from Algeria to Agadez is closed at the moment, but the roads are shown. This is an important map for adventure travel.
Hoofdkenmerken op een rij
Schaal | 1:1.600.000 / 1:2.000.000 |
Taal | Engels |
Uitgever | itm |
Jaar van uitgave | 2019 |
Artikelnummer | 405481 |
EAN / ISBN | 9781771295659 |